Seminar of NLS-Quebec in English 2021


     ENGLISH SEMINAR NLS-Quebec 2021


    What About the Body in Psychoanalysis?


What is a body?

At first glance, one might think that psychoanalysis is not the discipline to answer this question. However, it was to the hysterical patients' bodily symptoms which rendered medicine powerless, that Freud owed the discovery of the Unconscious, and therefore of psychoanalysis.

Lacan, in turn, will teach us that the body cannot be reduced to its biology. Rather, it stems from an image that we have of it, of how this body is affected by language and of the mental relationship that everyone has with it. This is not without consequences for the subject that is the one who is caught up in the field of speech and language.

During this year's seminar, in three meetings, we will study the body of the speaking being, from the different perspectives and moments of the teaching of psychoanalysis.


11:00 am - 12.30pm EST

13 March: Body Image with Ruzanna Hakobyan


24 April : Conference- SATISFACTION with guest speaker Yves Vanderveken



Change of Date for the Conference of Yves Vanderveken

New date 1st of May

No need for a new registration

The link for the registration remains the same







8 May : The Body Dressed in Words with Ruzanna Hakobyan






Register for this Webinar







Speaker: Ruzanna Hakobyan, psychoanalyst in Montreal. Member of the World Association of Psychoanalysis (WAP), of the New Lacanian School (NLS), and of NLS-Quebec of which she is a president. She teaches in Clinical Studies Program of NLS-Quebec and monthly seminar of Pont Freudien. Author of numerous articles.
Guest speaker for the conference: Yves VANDEREKEN psychoanalyst in Brussels. Member of the World Association of Psychoanalysis, of the New Lacanian School (NLS, of which he was president between 2014-2016) and École de la Cause Freudienne (ECF). He was a Director of the European Congress of Psychoanalysis in 2019: PIPOL 9: “The Unconscious and the Brain, Nothing in Common”. Author of numerous articles of psychoanalysis, translated in different languages Yves is regular invited to present at psychoanalytical conferences around the world. He teaches psychoanalysis in Belgium, as Clinical Director of an institution for psychotic children and he has over 20 years of experience working with psychotic subject in institutions.

Seminar is open for everyone
Time: Saturday  11:00am - 12.30pm EST

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