In collaboration with Concordia University
Faculty of Fine Arts, Interdisciplinary Studies in Fine Arts 


Freud’s Introductory Lectures
on Psychoanalysis


The Introductory Lectures on Psychoanalysis were published between 1915-1917, in the period of the First World War. They consist of twenty eight lectures organized by Freud into three parts: Parapraxes, Dreams and General Theory of the Neuroses.
In these lectures, Freud not only introduces the subjects which he has been developing until then, but also he introduces the position of psychoanalysis at that time. Even if some lectures were not given in the University, Freud preferred to keep the lecture formula with questions and answers as a method of expressing his opinion while maintaining contact with his audience, whether it was real or hypothetical. In the Preface to the Hebrew translation published fifteen years later, Freud will specify that these lectures not only offered an introduction to psychoanalysis, but also most of its content.

This year’s seminar, dedicated to the reading of the Introductory Lectures, will comprise three sessions. The first will be devoted to the study of the first four conferences on Parapraxes and examined from the perspective of Lacan’s reading in his Seminar V. The second will resume in detail the conferences devoted to the work of the dream (Lectures 5-15).
For the final session, we will study Lectures 17, 18, and 23 to address the question of the formation of the symptom in its articulation with fixation, which will be guided by the theme of the next NLS congress: Fixation and Repetition.

Thursday 7 April
with Ruzanna Hakobyan

7pm - 8:30pm EST

Register for this webinar: https://bit.ly/3Nl4nmm


Thursday 5 May - The Dream and the Other's Desire with Stefan Jovanović (Concordia University).

Thursday 9 June - Fixation and Repetition in the Symptom- Towards NLS Congress 2022 with Ruzanna Hakobyan.


Ruzanna Hakobyan - is a psychoanalyst in Montreal. Member of the World Association of Psychoanalysis (WAP), of the New Lacanian School (NLS), and of NLS-Quebec of which she is a president. She teaches in Clinical Studies Program of NLS-Quebec and monthly seminar of Pont Freudien.

Stefan Jovanović - is an art historian and instructor in the Interdisciplinary Studies in Fine Arts area at Concordia University where his teaching is oriented by Lacanian psychoanalysis. He has researched and written on numerous topics from a Lacanian perspective, including artists’ film and video practices, public art and theories of photography.

Seminar is open for everyone.

Time: Thursday 7pm - 8:30pm EST

Contact information: nlsquebec@gmail.com